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I. Our Mission Provide Indymedia activists a clear and compelling demonstation of the power of democratic filtering technology to improve the experience of readers and increase Indymedia readership. |
II. Some key principles
1. What the proposal is:
This proposal aims to increase the size and the participation of the Indymedia audience by improving the Newswire, which is one of the main attractions for Indymedia's readers.
The basic aim here to create the simplest possible proposal that could be acted on.
Once readers and activists around the Indymedia community are able to see and recognize
the power of the principles of democratic filtering -- then we will be in a better position to sort out which additional features are most important to add next.
2. What the proposal is not:
The current proposal will not make use of rating technology.
If the current proposal can be successfully implemented -- then at some unspecified time
3. Requirements of the project: a. The proposal must capture the imagination of a section of Indymedia readers and at least one or two technically-minded developers who would need to modify the code. If the proposal is a hit -- then Indymedia readers could be recruited to help test the new code. b. The work to create a new version would require the attention and participation of many Indymedia readers -- who would provide feedback and help to keep us motivated in this work with their enthusiasm for the new features. c. The code base of the new version of Seattle Indymedia would probably have to be changed so that it is using code which is:
4. How we can get started:
The first step is gathering together a group of people who are enthusiastic about making this happen. |
III. Overview of this proposal
The proposal consists of 3 stages of development:
IV. Details of the 3 stages
Stage One -- 6 categories for the newswire
We will bring this live before we go on to stage two. This will immediately improve the site and help to generate enthusiasm from readers for stages two and three.
Stage Two -- ability to create and share filters
Under development: watch this space ... Stage Three -- filters that can hide comments
Stage Four -- ask our readers what's next
Once the project is successful, we can call for greater community participation and consider ideas for more ambitious proposals that would give readers the ability to rate articles and comments. |
V. Some mock-ups of screen shots Here is the a mockup of the Seattle Indymedia home page with filters applied on the Newswire. Here is the a mockup of the page where all the available filteres are described. Here is the a mockup of the help us page.
VI. We need your help We cannot turn the ideas on this page into reality without your help. We need your ideas on how we can turn these ideas into reality. What are you willing to do with your time to help create a news service in which readers and serious activists have a greater degree of democratic control over what is seen? Please post your comments, criticisms and questions in the form below. |
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